How to choose an inexpensive but reliable motor drill: rating of the 10 best motor drills

A motor drill (gasoline drill) is a compact hand tool designed to perform a small amount of excavation work. Came into use relatively recently. Designed for domestic needs. Popular models are in high demand among owners of suburban land plots. The operating principle is similar to auger drilling rigs. Scope of application: drilling pile foundations, making pits and holes for wells. Can be used in the process of planting young trees and shrubs, when digging holes for frame structures and support poles. It will become an indispensable assistant for fishermen when drilling through thick ice.

What types of designs are there?

All popular models produced are divided into two large categories:

LungsWeight – up to 30 kg. Operates on a two-stroke gasoline engine. Screw part with a diameter of up to 150 mm. The maximum drilling depth is up to 2 meters. Used at home for drilling holes in sand, peat bogs, sandy loam soils. The speed is adjustable in individual models. The work will be completed by one operator.
HeavyWeight – up to 80 kg. A distinctive feature is high power. Operated simultaneously by two operators. The engine is four-stroke. Operates on gasoline. The equipment can make a hole in the ground up to 5 meters deep. Will handle difficult soils such as chernozem and alumina.

Products are available in two types:

  1. Manual. The best option, according to buyers. Inexpensive. Efficiency is average. Operated by one or two specialists.
  2. Wheeled. The presence of a heavy and powerful motor makes the design heavy. Wheels are provided for transportation. Able to make a hole up to half a meter deep. The average price is high. Available for professional operators.

Wheel motor drills are modular and single-frame. Products differ in the type of transmission, and therefore they are divided into hydraulic and mechanical. Hydraulic models are considered reliable. Their load is distributed evenly, and parts wear out less quickly. Suitable for large volumes of work.

Design Features

The motor has an extremely simple design, which includes 4 elements:

  1. Gasoline engine (two- or four-stroke with power from 2 to 8 hp, started using a recoil starter).
  2. Gearbox (using a worm or cylindrical gear, transmits force from the motor shaft to the auger, increases torque, and also takes on the risk of breakage if the drill gets stuck).
  3. Auger (drill in the form of a screw rod).
  4. Handles (two horseshoe-shaped, symmetrically located).

The operating principle of a gas drill is similar to that of a conventional mechanical drill. After starting the motor, the operator, holding the auger in a vertical position, gradually immerses it into the soil. As it goes deeper, the auger selects the ground using the principle of a screw conveyor. In this case, the operator requires serious physical effort to press the device into the contact surface and hold it in a given position.

Pros of using a gas drill

The design is compact and necessary in a suburban area. It makes people's work much easier. The scope of use of the device is varied. The main positive aspects of having such technology are:

  1. There is no need to pre-prepare the soil for excavation work.
  2. If you avoid mistakes when choosing and purchase a product of suitable power, then the task will be completed in a short time and with minimal physical exertion.
  3. The low weight of the devices allows one person to quickly handle the work.
  4. The performance of the equipment is excellent.
  5. Makes holes in the ground of different diameters and depths.
  6. Gasoline is used as fuel.
  7. Compact dimensions. Easily transported to the desired location.
  8. Availability of additional options that increase the level of security. If an emergency occurs, the unit will immediately shut down.
  9. Vibration level is low. This is the main trump card of all motorized drills.
  10. Advanced functionality. Designed for work in the construction industry and at a summer cottage (gardening).

How to choose the right model

Everyone's selection criteria are different. Some carefully study the characteristics, others pay attention to the material of manufacture, others are interested in the amount of “horsepower” and fuel consumption. Which product is better to buy depends on many factors, including the tasks assigned to the unit. What should you pay special attention to during the purchasing process? Experts recommend not to lose sight of the following parameters:

  1. Screw characteristics. The connection diameter must be 20 mm or 32 mm. If the need arises, you can use the services of an adapter. The most popular diameters of the screw part are considered to be 200, 150 and 100 millimeters. In specialized retail outlets you can find products whose diameter reaches 200 or 300 millimeters. Such models are indispensable when making strong columnar foundations or large supports. Designed for installation on high-power units. Equipped with replaceable blades or blades welded to the shaft.
  2. Characteristics of a gasoline engine. Four-stroke engines have lower fuel consumption than two-stroke engines. Despite their considerable power, they operate almost silently. They are distinguished by their environmental friendliness.
  3. Properties of the fuel tank. The container must be spacious. It is advisable that the manufacturer take care of a comfortable head. This will make refilling the device safe and easy.
  4. Maximum power indicator. The performance of the structure and the speed of work completion depend on this value.

Professional operators advise paying attention to the presence of additional functions:

  1. Availability of an emergency braking system. A necessary and useful option. When jammed, it prevents the gearbox from completely failing.
  2. Damper spring. Helps dampen strong vibrations and minimize the consequences of jamming.
  3. Reverse stroke. Thanks to the option, you can quickly and easily remove the auger from a hole in the ground.
  4. Equipping the device with locking levers. They prevent accidental starting of the gas drill, which has a positive impact on the level of safety of the structure.

When choosing a product, you need to find out whether the fuel tank needs to be filled with oil. It is worth taking care of such an option as a fuse. If a stone, tree root or other solid object gets in the way of the drill, the fuse should operate at lightning speed and stop the operation of the unit. Otherwise, the operator may be bruised or injured.

Which company is better to purchase a product depends on personal preferences. Where can I buy a suitable model? There are several options. It is advisable to visit a specialized retail outlet, get acquainted with the assortment, talk with a professional sales manager, and get practical advice from him. You can order a product online in an online store, having first reviewed the reviews and made sure of the integrity of the supplier.

How to choose earthworks

Before purchasing, you need to understand that you can only buy such equipment in specialized stores, where they can give a guarantee, and it is better if they also carry out repairs with sharpening. The gas drill, although a powerful tool, is quite capricious, which can cause it to break even in the warmest conditions; the cause may be a small pebble in the motor. And therefore, when buying such a tool, you need to look several steps ahead, anticipating the worst-case scenario.

As for the technical side, the main difference between a drill for excavation work and that used for making holes on ice is:

  1. Power
  2. Construction weight
  3. Dimensions of auger and fuel tank

The fact is that the soil is much harder than ice and you need a more powerful tool for such work. In addition, during excavation work, harder rocks may fall under the auger; it all depends on the terrain and geological conditions of the site. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the hardness of the soil, the presence of hard rocks at the drilling site and the amount of work.

How to make a motor drill with your own hands

Craftsmen try to save money and make the devices themselves. How to make a homemade motor drill? Accessible and detailed step-by-step instructions are posted on the Internet. The main element for manufacturing is a chainsaw. It is being turned into a drilling rig. To do this, you need to take care of a reduction gear reducer and an adapter for a screw auger. Only a professional craftsman who is fluent in turning and has metalworking skills can handle the job.

A gearbox is installed on the chainsaw, the gear ratio of which is a maximum of 1/55. A homemade device will help you save a good amount of money and solve your problems. You need to understand that using a screw with a large diameter on such a unit will not work, since the engine power is not enough to create a large torque. The device is capable of drilling a hole with a maximum diameter of 130 mm.

Safety regulations

Many modern manufacturers of motor drills care about the safety of people who work with this equipment. Almost all devices are equipped with a function that automatically turns off the device. This system is triggered when the knives collide with a section of soil that has poor cross-country ability.

As options for certain models, locking levers are noted that prevent accidental start-up of the equipment. In addition, the presence of a handle can provide comfort and ease of work.

Manufacturers of high-quality equipment made sure that even during a break in drilling a well, the engine was not subject to wear.
Due to the presence of a special microporous coating, lubricant is supplied to the engine system, which increases its service life. This is interesting: how to make a homemade drill for the earth.

Operating rules

The main rule is to use high-quality augers that are suitable in diameter for the type of soil. If this is overlooked, damage to the device or harm to the health of the operator may occur. To make the start of the unit smooth and safe, manufacturers equip their creations with a special system called easy start. It helps to warm up the drill in 3–4 minutes using idle speed.

Before you begin excavation work, you need to clear the area of ​​debris, foreign objects and stones that may interfere with drilling. The main point is the correct installation of the drill. It must stand stable. The rotating auger must be at a “respectful” distance from the operator. The device must be held with both hands.

The easiest way is to drill through ice. But manipulations should be carried out very carefully. Otherwise, cracks may appear and a dangerous situation may arise. Drilling holes in the soil involves regularly lifting the auger out of the hole. This will allow you to remove the chipped layers so that jamming does not occur. If an emergency situation occurs, it is worth opening the inertial clutch circuit, having first fully released the gas. This will help avoid injury.

It is strictly forbidden to drill holes deeper than the length of the drill. If such a need arises, it is worth purchasing an additional extension cord. The fuel for the operation of the structure is a substance consisting of oil and gasoline. Moreover, the ratio can be 1 to 50 or 1 to 40. To break in the engine, a substance with an oil to gasoline ratio of 1 to 25 is suitable.

There are two types of gearboxes: worm and coaxial. The space between the gearbox and the motor is occupied by the clutch. During operation, you must pay close attention to the operation of the knives. They have a direct impact on engine and clutch wear. Models with a coaxial gearbox are suitable for work by one operator. Worm worm devices can only be handled by two people.

Gasoline drills are not very suitable for drilling ice. Low temperatures negatively affect the performance of the structure, which can lead to premature failure. For such purposes it is better to use hand drills. They are more practical and reliable.

How to choose an inexpensive and reliable motor drill

When buying a motor drill, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the tool so that it best suits a particular owner. You need to pay attention to several important parameters.

engine's type

Unlike chainsaws, which are commonly equipped with two-stroke engines, motor drills are sometimes equipped with four-stroke engines. This provides certain advantages: such a motor is more economical, does not operate as loudly, and the exhaust gases exiting through the exhaust manifold contain less harmful substances and smoke. True, in this case you will have to sacrifice two equally important features: power and simplicity of design.

Two-stroke engines have fewer parts, which means they are less susceptible to wear and tear. In addition, of the two types of engines of the same volume, it is the two-stroke that can produce the greater specific power. In compact drilling units, this parameter turns out to be decisive, so four-stroke motors are less common.

Choosing an inexpensive and reliable motor drill

Lubrication system

Two-stroke motor drill engines do not have their own oil pan and oil pump. Lubricants are added directly to gasoline. The proportion for different manufacturers can range from 1:25 to 1:50. Since the oil actually burns in the cylinder and exits through the muffler, it must have special characteristics. This is why automobile motor oils cannot be used in two-stroke engines. In addition to the engine, the gear mechanism also requires lubrication. Representatives of service centers note that many users forget about this. Expensive professional models have a pump driven by a motor clutch. Cheap ones use a thick lubricant. For lubrication, holes are sometimes provided in the gearbox housing through which refueling can be done.


Along with the kilowatts generally accepted for technology, horsepower, traditional for power tools, is used for measurement. The coefficient is 1.2, so knowing the characteristic in one number system, it is easy to calculate the other.

The power range of motorized drills ranges from 1 horsepower for compact devices for small-diameter attachments to 8 liters. With. a professional tool for use by workers of various services and in construction. It is worth considering that the more powerful the device, the more bulky, heavy and requires more fuel. In addition, powerful devices are designed to be used by a pair of operators and one person is no longer able to hold the handles during a reverse strike.

On a note! A kickback is a sudden change in the tool body after the drill gets jammed in the hole. When the motor is running, the tool tries to spin, which can cause injury to the operator. Manufacturers fight for safety in different ways: some build in protection against kickback, others make handles based on the reaction bar principle.

Video - Tips for choosing a motor drill

Nozzle parameters

The specifications of the gas drill determine which attachments can be attached to it. There are several parameters that determine the compatibility of the device and equipment:

  • diameter of the landing rod;
  • minimum drill diameter;
  • maximum diameter of the attached drill (depends on the power and torque of the device).

Their selection is quite simple: you need to proceed from the parameters of the proposed work. If you plan to install powerful thick supports, then it is better to choose a device for large drills.

Convenience and ergonomics

The motor drill is quite a powerful device. A gasoline engine generates quite strong vibrations, not to mention the fact that the drill also transmits vibration to the body. To increase the comfort of using the device, rubber damping pads and shock-absorbing springs are used. Through them, the handles are attached to the body, dampening vibrations and protecting the operator’s body.

Video - How to choose a motor drill

Companies and manufacturers

Today there are two types of players in the gas drill market: well-known manufacturers who are developers and innovators in the field of reliable and practical gas equipment, and Chinese companies that produce tools at an affordable price, but of lower quality. The first include Stihl, Oleo-Mac, Hitachi, Echo and some others. The latter are no less widely represented on the domestic market by the trademarks Surm!, Patriot, Elitech, Maxcut, Fubag and many other less well-known ones.

On a note! The Cyrillic alphabet in the brand name does not at all indicate that the instrument was made in Russia. Therefore, units such as Caliber, Soyuz or Energomash are of the same Chinese origin as those listed above.

Comparative table of characteristics of motor drills in the rating:

Company manufacturerPower, hpEngine capacity, cubic meters cm Gas tank capacity, lTooling diameterWeight kg
PATRIOT AE 51 D2511,340-2009,25
Huter GGD-521,9521,2540-3006,8
ELITECH BM 52E2,5521,240-2009,7
MAXCUT MC 553551,3Up to 30011,6
CHAMPION AG252251,70,9860-2509,2
ADA instruments Ground Drill 83,26711,2Up to 3009,5
ECHO EA-4101,6842,7150-2509,8
Oleo-Mac MTL 85 R5,780,73,180-25030,6
Hitachi DA300E2,0950,21Up to 30017
STIHL BT 1301,936,30,5340-2009,9

Unit care

Working with a motor drill is easy and simple. There is no need to acquire relevant knowledge and gain experience. To extend the service life of the device, it is necessary to control the level of the tip of the knives (auger). This will help prevent premature failure of the gearbox and clutch. After excavation work, the device should be cleaned of dirt. The storage area must be dry.

TOP best motorized drills up to 300,000 rubles

Oleo-Mac MTL 85 R 5.7 HP

This device is perfect for working with soil of any level of hardness. The holders are designed for two people, which facilitates the subsequent operation process. This also makes it possible to carry out manipulations in hard-to-reach places. A model with a reverse option allows you to work for many hours without operators feeling the true weight of the product. Self-transportation is not recommended. Your hands will get very tired due to vibrations.

How much does the new product cost? The purchase will cost 259,990 rubles.

Oleo-Mac MTL 85 R 5.7 HP


  • with reverse;
  • assembly reliability;
  • comfortable handle;
  • excellent equipment;
  • does not overheat;
  • functionality;
  • versatility;
  • optimal power;
  • performance.


  • heavy weight;
  • shock-absorbing pads do not cope well with their tasks.

EFCO TR 1585 R 5.7 HP

This popular model is characterized by the presence of optimal power and performance. The weight is light, however, the handles are a curved metal structure without protective covers, which somewhat complicates subsequent use. Due to its compact dimensions, the product can be carried independently, as well as taken out of the holes. During operation, the motor power does not interfere with operation. Your hands get tired quickly, so you should think about gloves or auxiliary pads for metal handles. The manufacturer provides built-in overheating protection.

Average price – 189,000 rubles.

EFCO TR 1585 R 5.7 HP


  • compact dimensions;
  • high-quality protection against overheating;
  • sufficient power to solve everyday problems;
  • a reverse option is provided;
  • places for two operators;
  • performance.


  • strong vibrations;
  • significant weight;
  • small fuel tank.


This time-tested manufacturer offers a high-quality motor drill, the basis of which is the use of a two-stroke engine. Its power is 3.9 hp. This indicator allows the use of 20 mm nozzles with a working diameter of up to 35 cm. D-shaped handles designed for two operators are responsible for increased ease of use. For greater convenience during transportation, they fold. You will need to unscrew 8 nuts. The assembled model weighs 28.5 kg. To unscrew a jammed auger, use a special locking lever, which is located between the gearbox and the motor.

There is no reverse option. If it is locked, you will have to stop the motor and turn the auger manually in the opposite direction, holding only the handle. The manufacturer has installed a safety clutch, so the device should automatically turn off if the force coefficient is higher than the established norm. An auxiliary and a main air filter are used. You don't need any special skills to adjust the carburetor. It is enough to strictly follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. If necessary, the main filter can be removed. The oil should be checked regularly using a proprietary dipstick.

Cost – 169990 rub.



  • operational life 30 years;
  • folding handles;
  • high level of reliability;
  • automatic gearbox locking;
  • overheat protection;
  • high traction force.


  • high price.

The best fishing motor drills

Fans of winter fishing appreciate the lightness and compactness of motorized drills. When using an auger with a diameter of 130-180 mm, high power is not required from the engine. Experts appreciated the performance of several models.

RedVerg RD-EA630B 3 l. With.

Rating: 4.9

The RedVerg RD-EA630B motorized ice drill will allow you to hunt for large fish in winter. A Russian-Chinese unit equipped with a powerful 3 liter gasoline engine. pp., capable of making large holes (300 mm). Through such a hole in the ice shell it will be possible to pull out a well-fed bream or large pike without any problems. For ease of use, the model is equipped with shock-absorbing handle pads. Experts highly appreciated not only the power and performance of the gas-powered tool, but also the emergency braking system. The tank volume (1.3 l) is enough to make a large number of holes in thick ice.

Users identified one weak point during operation. When starting in severe frost, the kickstarter rope breaks. Otherwise, fishermen have no complaints about the motorized ice auger.


  • high power and performance;
  • large hole diameter;
  • anti-vibration handles;
  • emergency brake.


  • the kickstarter rope breaks.

ELITECH BM 52E 2.5 l. With.

Rating: 4.8

The excellent combination of affordable price and good power was noted by experts in the ELITECH BM 52E motorized drill. The advantages of the tool include a standard connector, which allows the use of screws of different diameters. The gasoline engine (2.5 hp) provides powerful torque. Although the Chinese motor drill is inferior in a number of parameters to the winner of the rating, due to its light weight (9.7 kg) it is easier to carry over a frozen body of water. As for the diameter of the holes, the basic configuration includes equipment with a diameter of 200 mm. In this case, the maximum drilling depth reaches 1.8 m.

Users are satisfied with the affordable price, light weight and powerful engine. In addition, the kit includes a canister, a set of tools, and a funnel. But there are complaints about the build quality.


  • affordable price;
  • light weight;
  • powerful engine;
  • standard connector.


  • There are some complaints about the build quality.


Rating: 4.7

The lightest (9.6 kg) and most convenient motor drill in our rating was the CHAMPION AG352 model. The gas-powered tool is equipped with a 1.9 liter engine. s., the torque is enough to drill holes with a diameter of 60...250 mm. Only the screw will have to be selected with a landing diameter of 20 mm. Experts note the device’s durable frame and comfortable handles with shock-absorbing pads. On one of them there are controls. Thanks to electronic ignition and a diaphragm carburetor, the manufacturer was able to not only achieve uninterrupted engine operation, but also reduce the emission of harmful compounds by a third.

Domestic fishermen liked the affordable price, light weight and ease of use. Users consider the weak engine to be a disadvantage.


  • affordable price;
  • light weight;
  • shock-absorbing pads on the handles;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • low power.

Rating of high-quality motor drills up to 50,000 rubles

ADA instruments Ground Drill 14 Reverse 8 HP

This model, despite its budget price, is designed to perform professional tasks. For normal operation, two operators are required. The set comes with 4 comfortable handles. For a power of 8 hp. A four-stroke gasoline engine is responsible. It makes virtually no noise during use. The diameter of the hole made by the drill is 60 cm. A reverse function is provided, which eliminates the risk of getting stuck in the soil. Due to the unique design features, it is possible to use not only screws of standard diameter, but also larger ones.

You can purchase a motor drill for excavation work at a price of 49,990 rubles.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 14 Reverse 8 HP


  • optimal engine volume;
  • powerful motor;
  • a reverse option is provided;
  • the ability to make large diameter holes;
  • high build quality.


  • not identified.

Hitachi DA 300E

One of the best models for excavation work in this price segment. Allows you to work even in frozen ground conditions. For greater convenience in subsequent operation, it is recommended to use two operators simultaneously. The frame is made in 8 shape and equipped with square hinges. Rubber pads are available at the corners, which increases the level of safety of the device. Does an excellent job of reducing vibrations. Before transportation, it is recommended to remove the handles that are attached to the housing with screws.

Average price - 43,500 rubles.

Hitachi DA 300E


  • Japanese build quality;
  • motor of optimal power;
  • can work in low temperatures;
  • large fuel tank;
  • you can use screws of different diameters;
  • performance.


  • reverse is not provided;
  • poor location of the exhaust pipe;
  • The piston system requires special care.


An excellent solution for arranging a personal plot. An easy-to-use device that will allow you to quickly and efficiently make holes of the appropriate size for subsequent planting of trees and installation of poles. Any auger can be used due to the presence of a standard connection of 2 cm. The permissible hole size is 30 cm. This Chinese model is based on a 3 hp motor. A great solution for most everyday tasks. The design is based on the use of a high-strength steel frame, which is designed to withstand significant loads.

Cost – 17,300 rubles.

Fubag FPB 71 2.7 HP


  • reliability;
  • high build quality;
  • ease of operation;
  • versatility;
  • affordable price;
  • high strength frame.


  • modest functionality.

Fubag FPB 71 2.7 HP

This design is in high demand among domestic consumers. The first thing you should pay attention to is the low cost. The operation of this tool is based on a 2.7 hp two-stroke engine. The universal design will allow you to solve most of the everyday problems that the owner of a summer cottage may encounter. The maximum hole diameter is 25 cm. The permissible hole depth is 80 cm. As a nice addition, the manufacturer has equipped the handles with pads that are pleasant to the touch. The weight of the structure is 11 kg.

Average price - 17,200 rubles.

Fubag FPB 71 2.7 HP


  • versatility;
  • optimal power indicator;
  • compact dimensions of the product;
  • reasonable price;
  • linings on the handles.


  • Cheap plastic is used.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 8 A00367

This design, despite its more than modest cost, belongs to the category of semi-professional drills. It is based on the use of an unusual frame. An excellent solution for preparing areas for foundations, digging wells, arranging gardens, installing lighting fixtures and fences. The maximum diameter of the hole is 30 cm. Either one (light soil) or two operators (heavy soil) can work behind it. The load is distributed evenly. This is especially noticeable when making a hole to a depth of more than 1 m. Steel arches serve as protection for the engine, which will not break in the event of a fall. Due to its compact size, the device can be transported in the trunk of a car. The manufacturer managed to achieve increased ease of use due to twin throttle grips. Device power 2.4 kW. The stated volume of the fuel tank is 1.2 liters.

Cost – 16990 rub.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 8 A00367


  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • ease of use;
  • safety bars made of steel;
  • rubberized frame;
  • high build quality;
  • ergonomic handles;
  • optimal power.


  • The gas handles are flimsy.

What to look for when choosing a motor drill

Just in case, learn more about how such equipment differs.
Power. This parameter depends on the characteristics of the engine and, first of all, on its volume. Low-power motor drills allow you to make holes with a diameter of no more than 30 cm with a depth of 200 cm. To obtain a deep hole with a larger diameter, you will need equipment that develops at least 7-8 hp; for solving everyday problems, a device with a power of up to 3 hp is suitable.

Well dimensions. The standard length of the auger is 600-800 cm, so to obtain deeper holes you will need additional equipment: an extension and a tripod. High-performance devices allow you to install an auger with a diameter of 300-600 cm.

Replacement equipment . The auger is a working tool, so the capabilities of the walk-behind tractor depend on its parameters. The kit includes replaceable nozzles with a diameter of 10, 15 and 20 cm.

Ergonomics . The weight of the device, configuration and material of the handles determine the ease of use of the equipment. If the weight is 30-45 kg, then it will be difficult for one person to work without an assistant. The most successful choice would be equipment with soft, conveniently located handles, equipped with rubber pads, and also providing a vibration damping system, reverse and brake.

  • Exploitation

    What gear to choose for successful ice fishing

When choosing a motor drill for excavation work, you should pay attention to the power, weight, dimensions of the auger and fuel tank capacity. In addition, you should not forget about the characteristics of the soils in which you will have to work: for clayey soils you need a more powerful model.

If you're looking for the best power drill for ice fishing, you need to consider weight, performance, and maintenance. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to universal equipment, which is suitable not only for making holes in the ice, but also for performing work in the summer.

Rating of high-quality motor drills up to 15,000 rubles

Hammer MTB80

A reliable and at the same time productive motor drill, which is used for making holes in the ground. It is based on the use of a two-stroke engine. The design falls into the category of balanced and easy to use. For normal operation of the device, proper mixing of oil and gasoline in a ratio of 1/25 is required. The volume of the fuel tank is 1.2 liters. The manufacturer has provided an auxiliary option that eliminates the risk of accidentally starting the engine. Due to its compact dimensions, the device can be transported in the trunk of a car and carried independently from place to place. The power declared by the manufacturer is 1.8 kW.

An excellent solution not only for planting trees, but also for making fencing around the entire perimeter of the site. A high-quality anti-vibration system is responsible for ease of use.

Average price – 13999 rubles.

Hammer MTB80


  • ergonomic handles;
  • high build quality;
  • performance;
  • high-quality anti-vibration system;
  • compact dimensions;
  • increased ease of use.


  • It is difficult to find suitable components.


This design is based on the use of a two-stroke gasoline engine with a power of 3.3 hp. The maximum drilling depth is 1.8 m. An excellent indicator for solving most everyday problems. For an hour of active use you will have to pay 0.8 liters of fuel. Augers are used arbitrarily in the range of 4-30 cm. This was achieved due to the presence of a standard connection of 2 cm. The total weight of the structure is 10 kg, which will allow you to work independently with the device without the involvement of outside help.

Average price - 13,290 rubles.



  • high build quality;
  • quick start;
  • performance;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • ease of use.


  • the muffler nose is a bit short;
  • poor quality seals.

Elitech BM 52E (177991)

An easy-to-use device for solving most everyday tasks. Allows you to work with both soft and hard soil. Perfect for installing fence posts and making holes for trees. It is based on the use of a two-stroke engine. Due to the presence of a standard connector, the design can work in conjunction with different screws. The presence of optimal torque is noted. Due to its compact size, the device is easy to carry from place to place by yourself. All necessary control elements are located in one place (handle).

It is based on the use of a durable metal frame, the center of gravity of which is located as successfully as possible. The kit includes a 200 mm drill with a maximum drilling depth of 180 cm. The kit also contains a proprietary set of tools that will be needed for further maintenance of the device, a funnel and a fuel canister. The stated power factor is 1.85 kW. Tank volume – 1.2 l.

Average price – 12977 rubles.

Elitech BM 52E (177991)


  • gear reducer;
  • equipment;
  • the ability to independently adjust the carburetor;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of operation.


  • The throttle grip doesn't fit well.

Carver AG-52 000 (01.003.00011)

This compact drill is characterized by the presence of a spacious fuel tank with a capacity of 1.1 liters. Designed to be operated by one operator. Monitoring the fuel level is not difficult, since the container is transparent. All necessary controls are located on the right handle. A practical solution that may cause some inconvenience for left-handers. Rubberized handles ensure ease of use. The total weight of the device is 6 kg. There is no auger included, which allows you to select an element of the required diameter yourself. There is a handle located in close proximity to the starter.

The budget model is in deserved demand among domestic consumers. Allows you to quickly and efficiently cope with assigned tasks. Experts recommend purchasing expensive components that will have a positive impact on the service life of the structure itself. Engine power 1.4 kW.

Cost – 9990 rub.

Carver AG-52 000 (01.003.00011)


  • excellent functionality;
  • transparent fuel tank;
  • equipment;
  • ease of use;
  • compact dimensions;
  • high build quality;
  • performance.


  • There is no auger included.

Rating TOP 10 best motorized drills

Before compiling a list of the most functional motor drills, a market analysis of the best devices was carried out. In the list, users have the opportunity to compare the highest quality products, study their key characteristics and choose the appropriate device. The top motorized drills look like this:

Maxcut MC 55

A powerful device that is capable of drilling earthen soil, as well as ice. The product rotates at a speed of 6500 rpm. Only one person can operate it; there is no handle for the second. The design includes a gas fuse to prevent sudden start-up. There is a fuel pump that pumps gasoline into the carburetor so that the drill starts easily. In particular, this is important after a long period of inactivity, when the device has been sitting for 2 weeks.

Each control is located near the right handle. The keys can be reached with your finger. The handles themselves are grooved to make them comfortable to hold. The fuel tank allows light to pass through, so you can see how much gasoline remains. A characteristic feature will be the presence of an anti-vibration system that ensures operator comfort during the production process. To ensure better starting conditions at low temperatures, the motorized drill is equipped with a pump for preliminary supply of gasoline. The engine is closed with an air filter, which prolongs its service life.

power, kWt2.2
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.3
Drilling surfaceGround, ice
Design FeaturesShock-absorbing handle pads, two-stroke engine, anti-vibration system
  • anti-vibration system;
  • build quality;
  • ease of use;
  • powerful engine;
  • sudden start blocking;
  • The kit includes a spark plug wrench.
  • the motor releases oil onto the housing.

I’ve been using it for a year, drilling 2 small wells of 7 m each. It copes with its tasks optimally. The assembly is quite high quality, there are comfortable rubberized handles. There is enough power on wet clay. I am completely satisfied with the choice I made.

Elitech BM 70V

A professional gas drill that has good power and can easily cope with drilling various holes with a diameter of 40-300 mm. The device is easy to use and is intended for use by one operator. At the same time, the design of the handles will allow you to work in pairs if necessary. This is extremely convenient, in particular when carrying out excavation work in very dense or frozen soil. The product is extremely effective during ice fishing, since it provides the owner with holes of the required size and in the required quantity in the shortest possible time.

Fuel consumption is approximately 0.8 l/hour, while the tank capacity is 1.4 l, which is enough for long hours of work. To ensure maximum operator safety, a sudden start blocking option is provided. The motor drill enters the ground quite easily, in particular when using a small-diameter auger, and starts up quickly.

power, kWt2.44
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.4
Drilling surfaceGround, ice
Design FeaturesAnti-start function, two-stroke engine, anti-vibration system
  • high power;
  • build quality;
  • blocking accidental launch;
  • low vibration;
  • ease of use;
  • nice design.
  • The kick starter does not turn completely.

Excellent device, very helpful when installing a fence. With such a motor drill, holes for pillars are drilled in a matter of minutes. I will also note the convenient location of the controls. There were no complaints during use. Happy with the purchase.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 8

Convenient professional motor drill with a special frame design. Intended for the construction of fences, lighting poles, gardening, digging wells and foundations. Used for making holes up to 300 mm in diameter. The special design of the frame is intended for work by one or two people. When working on light soil, one operator is sufficient, but on heavy soil or when drilling wells more than 1 m, the help of a second person will be required. In addition, this design helps to effectively distribute the load.

The frame also acts as protection for the motor from mechanical damage. Even in the event of a sudden fall, the engine cannot be damaged; it is protected on each side by steel arches. The compact dimensions of the frame make it possible to easily place the drill in the trunk of a car. The special design of the gas lever allows you to comfortably work alone or in pairs. Throttle grips make it possible to control the engine regardless of the number of operators and grip.

power, kWt2.4
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.2
Drilling surfacePriming
Design FeaturesRubberized frame, two-stroke engine, protective steel bars
  • powerful motor;
  • relatively easy start;
  • comfortable handles;
  • nice design;
  • compact dimensions;
  • build quality;
  • convenient refueling.
  • flimsy throttle grips.

High quality motor drill. After purchasing the product, I filled the gearbox with lubricant and immediately tried it. I made holes for the fence of the area. Functions properly, without failures. Starts up very quickly. I am completely satisfied with the choice I made.

Champion AG252

Functional motor drill for earthworks, which is equipped with a 1.46 kW engine with a volume of 51.7 cubic meters. cm. The device is compact in size and has a fuel tank of 0.98 liters. The design works with drills with a diameter of 60-250 mm. Each element of the device is fixed on the frame. To start the motor drill, a cable is provided, and a trigger-shaped gas lever is located on the handle. An integrated shock absorber reduces the load.

The set includes an auger, gloves and safety glasses. The motor drill in question has comfortable handles, all the main elements are under the right hand. The developer points to a low noise level and an anti-vibration system. The motor drill can be used at an angle. The product starts even at sub-zero temperatures. The popularity of the device is determined by the possibility of long-term continuous operation and durability of the design.

power, kWt1.46
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l0.98
Drilling surfacePriming
Design FeaturesAuger included, built-in shock absorber, gloves, safety glasses, anti-vibration system
  • long service life;
  • ease of launch;
  • convenient carburetor adjustment;
  • motor overheat protection;
  • rubber lining on the handles;
  • increased power.
  • strong noise and vibration.

I chose this model after reading reviews online. I would like to note that the augers in this motorized drill are quite effective. I have used other models before, but they are inferior in performance. The controls are conveniently located. I recommend to buy.

When purchasing a motor drill, you should pay attention to the shaft extensions, which are necessary for deep holes. The usual length of the auger is 1-1.5 m, and when an extension is placed between it and the gearbox shaft, the drilling depth triples. They must be purchased separately. It is important to remember that the diameters of the gearbox shaft, extension and auger must be compatible.

Elitech BM 52E

A convenient motor drill, which is designed to perform tasks of drilling holes in hard and soft ground, in ice. It can also be useful when planting trees and when installing various poles. The device is equipped with a standard 2-stroke motor, its power is sufficient for drilling ice. The advantages of the device include a standard connector, which makes it possible to use screws of different diameters. The gasoline engine provides powerful torque. Due to its light weight, it can be easily moved across a frozen body of water.

The controls are located on one handle for comfortable operation regulation. The device is intended for use by one person. The metal frame helps to evenly distribute the center of gravity during the drilling process. The basic configuration includes a drill with a diameter of 20 cm, the maximum drilling depth is 1.8 m. In addition to the standard fuel canister and funnel, the kit includes a set of tools useful when servicing the motor drill.

power, kWt1.85
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.2
Drilling surfaceGround, ice
Design FeaturesSingle cylinder engine, gear reducer, adjustable carburetor, fuel mixture canister
  • light weight;
  • ease of launch;
  • high power;
  • ease of drilling soil and clay;
  • nice design;
  • compact dimensions.
  • The gas handle is poorly fixed.

I bought it for my dacha. I dug holes for fence posts without difficulty. Also used for planting seedlings. I think I could spend a whole day with a shovel. Finished it in less than an hour. Quite a convenient tool. I recommend it.

ADA instruments Ground Drill 7

A convenient motor drill that has average power. Suitable for excavation work that requires more effort. It is equipped with a 2-stroke engine, which implies ease of design and maintenance, and the absence of a bulky lubrication and gas distribution system. The engine is air-cooled for long-term operation without overheating.

To make holes of different diameters, replaceable screws are used. The drill is replaced using a quick-release connection. It is possible to increase the drilling depth using special extension rods. Each control is located on one handle for comfortable drilling control. The advantage of the product will be its autonomy of operation and independence from the length of the electrical cable.

power, kWt2.4
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.2
Drilling surfacePriming
Design FeaturesTool kit, air-cooled engine, stable handles
  • comfort of use;
  • ease of use;
  • auger included;
  • durable metal handles;
  • the ability to operate alone;
  • build quality;
  • light weight.
  • noise during operation.

Convenient tool. Starts up quickly enough even after a long period of inactivity. The motor always runs smoothly, no problems have arisen. The package includes a special bottle containing a mixture of gasoline and oil needed to operate the motor drill. There is also an auger, so there was no need to purchase one additionally. Everyone is happy.

Forward FEA-52/2600

A convenient tool that is equipped with an economical two-stroke productive motor with an easy start device. The device is intended for drilling holes in soil or ice with a diameter of up to 250 mm when using appropriate augers. The product is distinguished by its compact size. 2 comfortable rubberized handles guarantee a secure grip and reliable control over the device during operation. Chrome-plated cylinder walls help extend engine life.

The motor drill in question can be used to work alone and, thanks to the variable fastening of the handles, by two people. This tool can also be used for ice fishing as an ice drill. The device is easy to use and does not require special maintenance skills.

power, kWt2.4
Fuel typeGasoline and oil
Fuel tank volume, l1.2
Drilling surfaceGround, ice
Design FeaturesRecoil starter, two-stroke engine, chrome-plated cylinder walls
  • reliable gearbox;
  • light weight;
  • powerful engine;
  • air cooling system;
  • comfortable handles;
  • chrome plated cylinder walls.
  • Unreliable throttle grips.

An indispensable assistant in dacha farming. Thanks to the tool, you can easily excavate soil for planting, install lighting poles and fencing. The best choice for this price.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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