How to cut fireclay bricks

Whereas seen refractory fire brick

Georgy Adamovich, Kazan, asks questions:

Good afternoon Please tell me for what structures cookies are used? I want to build a stove outside. How to cut refractory bricks and with what? A friend used a special pickaxe. However, this method can only be used by an experienced master. I heard that bricks can be cut using angle grinders.

Before sawing the biscuits from the biscuits. It is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the material. Construction of smoke, sauna, sauna, fireplace and stove complexes. Installed outdoors, cannot do without the item in question. Used when installing structures that will be exposed to high temperatures in the future.

Diamond blade 230 for cutting fireclay bricks, price is not important

I have already ruined 6 diamond blades from different manufacturers: Enkor, Kraton, Ukr-Diamant, some kind of rootless (yellow), Makita and Diamant (not a word in Russian, but it says that it was made in Germany). It is necessary to cut heavy fireclay bricks. Each of the disks from the first four manufacturers was enough for 1.5-2 bricks. Makitovsky was enough for 3 bricks, and Diamant for 4 bricks. Moreover, this same Diamant was personally bought by me from a store at a ridiculous price of 300 rubles (the seller explained that the wheels are very high quality, but the price is low due to rust), while the same Kraton is 500 rubles Enkor 650 rubles. I want to order a high-quality diamond blade for a 230 angle grinder from my suppliers, the price doesn’t matter. Tell me which one?

for abrasive materials - cement, for example, look at the BOSCH catalogue.

Fireclay brick is not cement, it is a very hard substance. When the disc is new, it still cuts a little, but then it starts to burn the brick. A half-worn disk can no longer take bricks, but it still cuts concrete with ease. In short, an ambush

The problem is that the binder does not wear off.

Try it. Distar, Ukrainian. Optimal in terms of price-resource ratio.

It turns out I tried it very first, but probably didn’t pay attention to the inscription, but today I took a closer look at it > some kind of rootless (yellow)

waw0375 wrote: Optimal, in terms of price-resource ratio.

turned out to be the worst of all, even worse than Kraton. I took a photo on my phone, but I don’t know how to get it out

Take a closer look.

Perhaps you have a disc for ceramics. And what you need is a turbo elite. We worked like this on paving slabs, great. And I don’t believe that it’s worse than the Ukrainian diamond. And the price. 300-600 rub. or 1500-1800r.

Vidis, with diamond discs you need to distinguish between their purpose and what material they are for. Yellow Distar (master) is a disc for marble, limestone, dolomite. . The life of the disc (diamond layer) is determined by the abrasiveness of rocks. Depending on the purpose, the diamond binder is selected in the manufacturing technology. To put it simply, it is done so that the diamonds are constantly “open”. And to say that the Distar disc is the worst is wrong. In the classification of rocks and minerals by abrasiveness (according to Kuznetsov), marble, limestone are very low-abrasive rocks (group 1). Granite. - increased abrasiveness (group 5).

specify the type of refractory brick: silicate, alumina, carbon, ceramic??

judging by the wear of the discs - silicate.

here » > - for alumina or here » > - for silicate

in devolt DT3776-XJ is universal.

each has its own drive, the rest is a compromise

Vidis wrote: I have already ruined 6 diamond blades from different manufacturers: Enkor, Kraton, Ukr-Diamant, some rootless (yellow), Makita and Diamant (not a word in Russian, but it says that it was made in Germany). It is necessary to cut heavy fireclay bricks. Each of the disks from the first four manufacturers was enough for 1.5-2 bricks. Makitovsky was enough for 3 bricks, and Diamant for 4 bricks. Moreover, this same Diamant was personally bought by me from a store at a ridiculous price of 300 rubles (the seller explained that the wheels are very high quality, but the price is low due to rust), while the same Kraton is 500 rubles Enkor 650 rubles. I want to order a high-quality diamond blade for a 230 angle grinder from my suppliers, the price doesn’t matter. Tell me which one?

Try Niborit. Concrete Profi dry cutter 230mm

Basic Tools

A proven method of cutting the material is based on tapping the sharp edge of a pick on the surface of the brick, which was previously located on the palm. This method has not been proven to be effective as it is considered ineffective. The product can easily break anywhere.

Use a grinder to cut fire bricks. During the operation of an angle grinder, various discs are used:

The abrasive disc can cut concrete and bricks. It wears out easily and quickly decreases in diameter. Analogs of cutting are used for cutting wood and metal. The diamond blade can be used for a long time.

When cutting stones or bricks, dust is generated. Such work is carried out subject to compliance with safety rules and the use of protective glasses and a respirator.

First you need to make a mark and then cut the fire bricks.

In some cases, the material is cut. To do this, experts recommend using a grinding machine with an abrasive wheel, which is used for working with stone.

How to cut fireclay bricks

As a beginner stove maker, I have questions about the tool.
Please tell me: 1) which discs are better for cutting brick (i.e. a) diamond or non-diamond?; b) and if diamond, then solid or segmented?; c) are universal ones good or do we need special ones?; d) and if special, then which ones are needed: under stone or under concrete?; e) I heard that diamond ones cut ordinary and refractory bricks well, but fireclay ones quickly become dull? Is it so?

2) as far as I understand, you won’t be able to grind brick with a 230 grinder, because... she's a bit heavy. Then it turns out that it’s 125? a) Which discs should be used for grinding and which bricks are suitable for?; b) is it convenient enough to grind with a grinder without adjusting the speed?

3) when repairing the furnace, it is necessary to separate the pipe from it. Can this only be done with jacks? If so, what jacks are suitable? Any? What lengths do you need?

4) Is it convenient to work on a stepladder or is it necessary to create scaffolding?

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Exactly. I also have a question regarding the first point. I don't understand which disk to take for the brick. And such characteristics as turbo, solid, segment sound to me like a foreign language)) Someone can just show me in a photo which disc to choose for cutting bricks when laying a furnace: Thank you very much in advance.

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There are a number of benefits for such beginners. For example, here, there are a lot of articles - I still look at them to this day.

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Please tell me why the bed is heated by smoke or by the heat of the wall.

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Tell me, can I trust materials for the stove from a Chinese manufacturer? Furnaces are a very interesting type of activity and it is possible to transport goods on a production scale from China through, but is it worth it?

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I cut with abrasives at the beginning of my furnace activities. I didn't see anything good in this. It grinds down quickly. The diameter decreases quickly and a new one needs to be replaced. lighter than diamond and the diameter remains the same all the time. It also doesn’t cut dark brown inclusions in fireclay very well.

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We must not forget that it is advisable to buy a dust-proof grinder, especially for cutting and grinding stone. Segmented alm. discs - dry cutting, not segmented - wet cutting. Fireclay, it is better to cut with abrasive wheels on stone. Leroy Merlin is currently on sale. Cutting and grinding wheels for stone - 230 mm - 20 rubles each. a piece. On Dybenko.

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1. Diamond discs.. For cutting - with segments, for grinding - solid.. Diamond discs - universal.. Do not take consumer goods, but take high-quality ones.. Even if expensive. Fireclay (also fireproof) - more heated during manufacture .When cutting - characteristic sparks .. Also on ordinary brick, if it is overheated.

2. Grinding machine (in the old Soviet times it was called a grinder, depending on the country of the manufacturer).. For cutting bricks - more powerful, for grinding - less.. The weight of the tool is of great importance..

3.. I don’t like mounted pipes and that’s all.. I always recommend root pipes.. With several channels of certain sizes.. And they’re easier to care for, and most importantly - they’re very practical..

4.. I don’t work from stepladders. There is no place to place tools and equipment.. I use special scaffolding that is easily accessible to everyone.. Easy to assemble and disassemble without fasteners.. Convenient to transport in a car..

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I have not yet been disappointed in metabo. But it's a rough instrument. Bosh it is for musicians (convenience, fit in the palm of the hand) Metabo drill for at least 10 years (stirred the solution, etc.) The Bulgarian is already barely breathing, but alive. five years of constant cutting.

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1. I think it's diamond. Solid for neat cutting, such as facing bricks. If fireclay or backfill or under plaster, then it is better to use segments. Expensive discs - they are divided into stone, fireclay, clay brick. For example Tsedima. Cheap ones are usually universal. A special disc for abrasive naturally lasts a long time when sawing chamotte. We must not forget that their price is much more expensive than the universal ones.

2. If you don’t like 230, then grind 115, 125, 150. 150 is generally a universal machine.

3. I have never used jacks. There are other simple ways.

4. It is inconvenient to work on stepladders. Only if it's being renovated. That is, one day's work. If you are building a stove, then of course the scaffolding will be of good quality.

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I heard that diamond ones cut regular and refractory bricks well, but fireclay ones quickly become dull? Is it so?

Fireclay and refractory are the same thing. Indeed, discs wear out much faster on fireclay (refractory).

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The brick must be cut on a machine with water and a diamond disc (250 mm at least), it can be solid, but with temperature compensation slots (green DIAM). In this case, it is enough to have an angle grinder with a 125 mm disc and this disc must necessarily be diamond and preferably turbo, although it is possible to have a segment one, but mine are all turbo. For processing tiles I use ONLY solid discs and good ones (SPLITSTOONE). All my wheels are on granite. Of course, you need to have the grinder as strong as possible and VERY DESIRABLE! with adjustable speed (I have two of them and both have adjustable speed). Which company should I take? I can’t give a recommendation because I have all METABOs (two 125mm and one 230mm), which are very disappointing at the moment.

How to get a custom size or incorrect brick

Not so long ago, professional builders and amateurs did not even wonder how to see bricks. They used the conventional selection and grinding method, which does not have a high level of complexity.

The process of cutting bricks with a pick or shovel is as follows:

  • You must take a unit of building material in your left hand;
  • Then you need to apply the adjusting line with the tool on all sides of the product;
  • Finally, apply a sharp sharp blow to the edge of the product, while the timber and the surface of the brick should form a right angle.

Manual brick cutting

This method has a number of disadvantages:

  • Low accuracy;
  • The surface of the formed face is uneven, so it must be hidden in the masonry, and in some cases this is impossible;
  • Do not crack the brick at an angle other than straight.

But time has passed and now there are new construction tools that can be used for this purpose. They make the process more convenient and accurate, and also significantly reduce time costs. In addition, the formed edges of the products have a flat surface.

READ Husqvarna 142 chainsaw does not start

Now a fair question arises about how to cut sand-lime or fireclay bricks. Modern construction industry specialists use the following tools:

  • Brick processing machine;
  • Special saw (gas cutter);
  • Bulgarian.

How to cut bricks

When processing these building materials, you will need a pencil and a corner, in addition to the main cutting element. It should be noted that this procedure is accompanied by the formation of a significant amount of dust, so it is extremely important to use personal protective equipment. The respiratory tract should be protected with a breathing mask, eyes with goggles and hands with gloves.

To cut building material more accurately, you first need to start marking its surface. To do this, use a construction pencil. Now you can start cutting, and this should be done not with an oblique line, but near it, otherwise the brick fragment will not be the size you need.

Tools and technology

There are different ways to cut bricks:

  • Hardware: on the machine;
  • on a miter saw.
  • Automatic:
      grinder or petrol cutter;
  • laser device.
  • Manual:
      using a jigsaw or file;
  • trowel and hammer;
  • splitting.
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    Brick machining

    A device for convenient, safe and quick cutting of bricks using nippers, in halves and non-standard shapes. Available in two types: industrial and household. The second one is better used in home construction, as it is small in size and practical. The cutting element is a diamond disk of a certain diameter. Tool design:

    • metal frame with cutting wheel;
    • water container;
    • cutting table;
    • mounting feet.

    The device cuts types of bricks such as red, refractory, oven, silicate, and trim.

    The main advantages of the machine are:

    • performing dry and wet circular cutting;
    • high speed;
    • accuracy of size and shape due to convenient location when cutting - a person sees the markings.

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    Work algorithm

    Grinder as a cutting tool

    When performing small-scale work, use a grinder. To cut the material, use a device with a 23 cm disk. For an angle grinder with a circle of smaller diameter, the brick must be turned over, as a result of which the evenness of the cut side is disrupted. To avoid defects, the material is fixed and then processed with a grinding machine in the cut areas. A grinder is used with a large circle when cutting a brick wall. To cut brick at home, the main thing in use is to hold the working tool correctly: the cutting edge should be perpendicular to the material being processed.

    Important points when working with an angle grinder:

    • The cutting process should be carried out outside the premises due to the large amount of dust. Use personal protective equipment - goggles and a mask.
    • The tool is held in a strictly perpendicular position to the marking line.
    • Do not apply pressure to the instrument.
    • If the diameter of the circle is small, make a cut along the entire perimeter, and then remove the excess with a hammer and process the defects and irregularities with a grinder.

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    Working with a petrol cutter

    Brick cutting is carried out by a device similar to an autonomous circular saw with a more powerful engine almost instantly. But along with the high speed of operation, the device is large in size, making it difficult to transport. The large cutting disc in the gas cutter resembles the same one as in the grinder. Due to the high power of the tool, you can saw fireclay bricks for laying stoves and barbecues. Due to the large accumulation of dust, it is recommended to use a respirator when working with the tool.

    A circular saw

    This tool is used for working with wood, but can also be used for sawing bricks and blocks. Processing material on a circular saw requires replacing the wheel with a reinforced disc model K480STZB. The cutting edge should protrude 7 cm above the table. Here you will need a ruler to measure the height. It is necessary to cut the brick smoothly, without sudden movements and without pressing the tool.

    Using an angle grinder

    Now let's talk about how to properly cut bricks using a grinder. This operation is performed when you want to make a small number of pieces of building material. Models that can be equipped with a circle with a diameter of 23 centimeters are suitable for processing.

    You can also use smaller cutting elements, but in this case productivity and accuracy suffer because the blade will not go through the entire thickness of the product, so the workpiece will have to be turned over.

    Brick grinding

    The power of the tool used must be at least 2000 W. Do not use a tool that is too powerful, as it will be unnecessarily heavy and cumbersome.

    Which disk to cut into bricks

    It is also very important to choose the right disk for processing bricks. Cutting tools used for such operations are divided into two main groups:

    The main advantage of the abrasive disc is its relatively low cost. However, it should be said that such products quickly break down, so they often have to be replaced. Additionally, abrasive discs are susceptible to warping and cracking and are therefore quite dangerous.

    Diamond blades are best suited for this operation. They are made of durable steel. This product is reliable and has a long service life. These drives are also safer. Diamond cutting elements are also divided into several groups:

    Simple solid end products . Such products provide a smooth surface of the newly formed edges and are low cost. Disadvantages include rapid wear and high heat during processing.

    Segmented . The main design feature of such products is the presence of cuts on their edges. This design ensures high-quality removal of waste from the working area and slow heating. These blades are well suited for dry cutting.

    Video: How to saw Fireclay Brick

    Discs with serrated edges . The main advantage of such products is a large margin of safety. They have a long service life and can be used for wet and dry cutting.

    Diamond Blade Grinder

    To improve the quality of cutting building materials, experts recommend using a bed for a grinding machine. Thanks to this design, the cutting tool and the workpiece can be rigidly fixed. Using the bed, you can see the bricks lengthwise or in half from different angles.

    Safety precautions when working with a sander

    Before you begin all work, you must familiarize yourself with the basic requirements and rules for working with cutting tools. The first thing to remember. hold the instrument with both hands. Although simple, this requirement is of paramount importance since a secure grip on the grinder ensures high precision. The rollback will not be able to significantly move the tool and, of course, will not be able to pull it out of your hands. It is also very important to choose a comfortable position in which you do not risk losing your balance.

    READ How to Determine the Length of a Chainsaw Bar

    The power cable must be laid in such a way that it is at the maximum distance from the working area of ​​the tool to prevent the possibility of their contact with each other. Otherwise, the cable may be cut or wrapped around the disc. These situations are very unpleasant, since there is a risk of a short circuit or river stop of the circle with subsequent movement of the device. It is also prohibited to place the coffee grinder with a stationary spinning wheel on any surface.

    Cutting brick using an angle grinder. A fairly simple procedure, but it requires full concentration to perform it safely. Be aware of dust generation during processing. To remove dust, use a protective cover that is equipped with a vacuum cleaner attachment. If waste disposal cannot be arranged, wear a respirator. You can also pour water into the work area and ventilate the area frequently.

    The main trouble that can arise during work. It's a blow to the back. This is an unexpected tool change due to a jammed wheel. The disc almost always fails. This situation may occur because the direction of movement of the grinding machine is inverted in the direction of the cutting tool. In most cases, kickback is the result of employee misconduct. To protect yourself from such troubles, remember the following rules:

    • You must stand in a position where the instrument will not bounce when struck in the back, otherwise there is a risk of injury.
    • You also need to hold the tool firmly with both hands.

    Video: How to Cut Refractory Brick

    Before you begin all work, you must familiarize yourself with the basic requirements and rules for working with cutting tools. The first thing to remember. hold the instrument with both hands. Although simple, this requirement is of paramount importance since a secure grip on the grinder ensures high precision. The rollback will not be able to significantly move the tool and, of course, will not be able to pull it out of your hands. It is also very important to choose a comfortable position in which you do not risk losing your balance.

    The power cable must be laid in such a way that it is at the maximum distance from the working area of ​​the tool to prevent the possibility of their contact with each other. Otherwise, the cable may be cut or wrapped around the disc. These situations are very unpleasant, since there is a risk of a short circuit or river stop of the circle with subsequent movement of the device. It is also prohibited to place the coffee grinder with a stationary spinning wheel on any surface.

    Cutting brick using an angle grinder. A fairly simple procedure, but it requires full concentration to perform it safely. Be aware of dust generation during processing. To remove dust, use a protective cover that is equipped with a vacuum cleaner attachment. If waste disposal cannot be arranged, wear a respirator. You can also pour water into the work area and ventilate the area frequently.

    READ How to cut 5 mm cardboard

    The main trouble that can arise during work. It's a blow to the back. This is an unexpected tool change due to a jammed wheel. The disc almost always fails. This situation may occur because the direction of movement of the grinding machine is inverted in the direction of the cutting tool. In most cases, kickback is the result of employee misconduct. To protect yourself from such troubles, remember the following rules:

    • You must stand in a position where the instrument will not bounce when struck in the back, otherwise there is a risk of injury.
    • You also need to hold the tool firmly with both hands.

    Cutting bricks with a gas cutter

    Cutting bricks with a gas cutter

    If you have a question about how to cut bricks without a sander, you can use a gas cutter. This device is a special saw. The tool is quite inconvenient for cutting building materials, as it is bulky and heavy.

    When the disc is used as a cutting element in a gas cutter, it looks like a grinder, with the difference that it runs on gasoline. The chain can also be used as a cutting element. In this case, the chainsaw looks a bit like a chainsaw. The cutting elements for the gas cutter are made using special technology and coated with diamond shavings.

    Follow the link https://vse-postroim-sami.Ru/materials/8564_pustotelyj-kirpich-vidy-preimushhestva-i-nedostatki-shhelevogo-kirpicha/. You will find useful information about the properties of hollow bricks. We also recommend reading the article about demolishing a concrete wall. Read how to make a brick staircase here

    This device is convenient to use when arranging window or door openings in brickwork. The main advantage of gas cutters is the availability of water supply to the working area of ​​the tool.

    DIY fireclay brick

    It is interesting to know that you can make refractory bricks with your own hands if you have the necessary equipment. For this you need:

    1. Fireclay
      . You need something plastic and refractory.
    2. Chamotte
      . You can use crushed bricks from previous firings.
    3. Sawdust
      . It is best to take small sawdust from furniture production.
    4. Wallpaper glue
      . Increases the strength of bricks.
    5. Liquid soap
      . Cheap ones in large bottles are used, it prevents the appearance of bacteria in the material.

    How to make molding solution:

    1. Dilute 5 kg of dry clay with water, add 1 kg of fireclay, 50 g of soap and 50 g of wallpaper glue.
    2. Pour 4 kg of sawdust into the mixture in small batches.
    3. Leave the solution to stand for 2 days.

    How to form fireclay bricks:

    1. Prepare molds of the required size, taking into account that when drying, the brick will shrink by 10-15%.
    2. Form the raw material into molds.
    3. Dry the brick on a board or fiberboard for 2-3 days.
    4. Burn the material in a homemade oven, inside a chamber that has spirals. The process lasts 7 hours, during which the temperature is gradually increased to 1200°C and another 3 hours at the same temperature.
    5. After firing, the fireclay brick is ready for use.

    Cutting bricks using a special machine

    A machine for processing such building materials consists of the following elements:

    • Reliable metal frame;
    • Diamond wheel;
    • Power supply;
    • Workpiece holding system;
    • Water supply to work area.

    Brick cutting machine

    By purchasing this equipment, you can do the following:

    • Quickly process workpieces;
    • Carry out cutting of products with maximum precision, resulting in a smooth surface, which is very convenient for further work;
    • Increase work safety, as the water supply system ensures minimal dust formation.

    Selecting a brick cutting machine

    Despite the above advantages, it is not always advisable to use a brick processing unit. The fact is that it is quite expensive, so its purchase will be worth it if you have a significant amount of work in mind. Also, such installations are recommended for professionals who are constantly engaged in such types of activities.

    With this equipment it is very easy to process building materials. Each model comes with instructions. In most cases, processing workpieces on a machine includes the following steps:

    • The workpiece must be marked;
    • Then the brick is installed at a right angle;
    • The tool is delivered to the work area;
    • The engine is turned on and the speed is controlled;
    • The cutting element moves and cutting occurs.

    READ How to cut acrylic baseboard for a bathroom

    The main advantage of working with brick factories is that the worker can view the cutting process and therefore control it.

    Fireclay brick cutting machine

    Hello everyone, today we will look at a very useful machine that will make life easier for stove makers.
    We will talk about a machine that is capable of cutting fireclay bricks. Using the machine, you can cut bricks lengthwise into two thin halves, you can also cut grooves, and so on. Everything is assembled on the basis of a grinder with a disc for concrete. The grinder is fixed at the desired angle, which allows you to cut all bricks with the same depth. When cutting, it is not the grinder that moves, but the brick itself; broaching is done quite simply. If you are interested in the project, I suggest you study it in more detail! Materials and tools used by the author:

    List of materials:

    — a unit from an automobile cardan transmission; — square profile pipes; - Sheet steel; - corner; - paint for metal.

    Machine manufacturing process:

    Step one. The basis

    We weld the base for the machine; profile pipes, a corner, or whatever is at hand are suitable for this. Next we need a hinge; the author used a joint with a cross from a car driveline. You can also use a simpler hinge in the form of a bolt and nuts; the angle grinder will still be rigidly fixed during operation. We cut the cardan and weld the hinge at a right angle to the base.

    When the bracket is ready, it needs to be welded to the hinge through a piece of pipe. It is important to use a square here; you need to make sure that the cutting disc is at a right angle to the base.

    Step three. Retainer

    You need to make a clamp that will allow you to fix the angle grinder at the desired angle. The author drew the part by hand with a marker on a sheet of metal and cut it out with a grinder. Well, then the part was welded to the base using steel plates.

    Step four. Rails, platform, clamps

    The rails can be made from a profile pipe; to reduce friction, the author welded them “on the edge.” We make corners under the rails that will slide along them. Corners of the required sizes can be welded from sheet steel.

    Well, then we assemble a platform from sheet steel; the platform should have clamps for fixing the bricks. The clamps should work like a vice; everything can be done with bolts and nuts.

    Step five. Completion

    The machine is ready, all that remains is to paint it so it doesn’t rust. We install the grinder, adjust the depth and you can cut. The author easily cuts grooves for the grate bars, and also easily cuts the brick lengthwise into two halves.

    The machine turned out to be simple and convenient, I hope you liked the project and found useful thoughts for yourself. Good luck and creative inspiration if you decide to do this again. Don't forget to share your ideas and crafts with us!

    Inspection of the brick sawing machine

    Brick cars. These are complex structures that, if handled incorrectly, can harm the health of the operator. Therefore, work on the processing of building materials must be carried out taking into account all safety rules. The device is equipped with a power supply that operates at 380 volts and therefore requires proper grounding. Only wheels approved by the manufacturer may be used as cutting elements. The worker must also wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator.

    The device, which is manufactured in a factory, is quite expensive, so if you have a question about how to cut bricks at home, it is better to use other settings. However, some home craftsmen are trying to assemble such a car themselves. The parameters of the future device are determined by the capabilities of the designer and the future scope of work.

    Some people even decide to completely replicate the design of factory cars. Other housewives use handy tools to model cars. In most cases, this is an angle grinder that is mounted on a bed.

    Working principle of brick sawing machine

    From the above it follows that the modern market offers a huge number of different devices for processing bricks. The choice of equipment falls on the shoulders of the master, and this should be done taking into account the following factors:

    • Scope of proposed work;
    • Work environment;
    • Work budget.

    How to cut fireclay bricks?

    Fireclay brick is a heat-resistant building material used for laying stoves and fireplaces. This refractory product is cut on a special machine using a segmented diamond blade.

    Almost always, when laying stoves, there is a need for building material of non-standard sizes. To solve this issue, stone-cutting machines are used:

    • KS-500,
    • SKR-600,
    • SMR-500.

    Which blade is best for sawing fireclay slabs?

    For work, use a segmented diamond cutting disc. A feature of the first two models (KS-500 and SKR-600) is the ability to supply coolant (water) to the working element. This allows not only to maintain the required temperature conditions, but also to eliminate the appearance of harmful fireclay dust.

    The SMR-500 machine is designed for cutting thin plates of refractory brick, which solves many issues in the construction of furnaces. A special feature of the design is the presence of a special oil bath into which the object for processing is immersed.

    How to cut at home?

    It is quite expensive to buy a special machine just for laying a fireplace in your home. In this case, you can use a grinder with a segmented diamond blade installed on it to cut refractories. Of course, such a cutting tool is not equipped with a device for supplying coolant.

    This problem can be easily solved if you first immerse the required number of bricks in a container of water for 20 minutes. Afterwards they will be as easy to handle as with coolant supply (no dust is guaranteed).

    Do you need high-quality building materials for laying a fireplace? offers to buy fireclay refractory bricks of various brands on favorable terms.

    How to see a brick by hand

    Now let's talk about how to cut bricks for masonry by hand. The sequence is as follows:

    First step. find several blanks without visible defects.

    After this, the marking must be applied to the surface of the building material.

    Next, you need to take a pick and make a few angled hits around the perimeter along the markings, then hit the ends, mirroring the corners of the piece.

    To get a smooth and even surface, you need to wipe the formed surface with another brick.

    Then you need to make a small groove along the wide edge of the product, using the same pick.

    After this, you need to set the furrow product down and apply several blows in the furrow area. A hammer is used for these purposes.

    To get a fragment of one or three quarters of the product, you need to make grooves on all faces of the brick. Then start hammering until the brick breaks.

    Brick for splitting

    Another building material processing device that can be used at home and on the construction site is the brick block.

    Brick splitting plant

    The equipment is a mechanical installation in which the workpiece is fixed and its cutting is carried out using special knives.

    The equipment may be automatic or mechanical. Most experts recommend using a guillotine knife as the cutting tool for such structures.

    This tool is characterized by its relatively low cost, ease of operation and the ability to use it for various types of bricks.

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